Gabelli School of Business Profile
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Financial services, marketing, pricing, distance education
Hooman Estelami is a professor of marketing at the Gabelli School of Business. He is the editor-in-chief of the International Journal of Bank Marketing, and previously served as an associate editor of the Journal of Product and Brand Management. His areas of specialization are financial services marketing, pricing, customer service management, and distance education. His research has appeared in a wide range of journals including: Journal of Personal Finance, Journal of Consumer Affairs, International Journal of Research in Marketing, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Journal of Financial Services Marketing, Journal of Retailing, Journal of Business Research, Journal of Service Research, Journal of Product and Brand Management, Journal of Consumer Behavior, Journal of Promotion Management, Journal of Marketing Education, and Marketing Education Review. He is the author of nine books: Marketing Financial Services; Marketing Turnarounds; The Routledge Companion to Financial Services Marketing; Predictors of Victory and Injury in Mixed Martial Arts Combat; Marketing Strategy; The Americans of Urumia; Cases in Financial Services Marketing; Simplified Business Research Methods, and Frontiers of Distance Learning in Business Education. He has received multiple awards for his teaching and research and has advised a wide range of corporations on their marketing practices. He received his Ph.D. in marketing from Columbia University, his MBA from McGill University and his BA from Coe College.
Estelami, Hooman (2022), “Consumer Estimates of Online Quantity Surcharge Incidence Rates,” Journal of Promotion Management, forthcoming.
Hooman Estelami and Jenna Florendo (2021), “The Role of Financial Literacy, Need for Cognition and Political Orientation on Consumers’ Use of Social Media in Financial Decision Making,” Journal of Personal Finance, forthcoming.
Estelami, Hooman and Genevieve O’Connor (2019), “The Effects of Cognitive Style, Shopping Experience and Consumer Demographics on Consumer Reactions to Quantity Surcharges,” 25(2), 1-20, Journal of Promotion Management.